Those girls

Age: 15
Eats alot of Carbs XD.

Thursday, April 14

Ways To Add More Carbohydrates Into our Diets.

How we can add more Carbohydrates into our Diet~

Don't be misled by fad diets that make blanket pronouncements on the dangers of carbohydrates. They provide the body with fuel it needs for physical activity and for proper organ function, and they are an important part of a healthy diet. But some kinds of carbohydrates are far better than others.
So for optimal health, choose good carbs. Make sure to get your grains intact from foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and other possibly unfamiliar grains like quinoa, whole oats, and bulgur. Not only will these foods help protect you against a range of chronic diseases, they can also please your palate and your eyes.

Until recently, you could only get whole-grain products in organic or non-traditional stores. The good news is that today, whole-grain foods are popping up in more and more mainstream grocery stores. So why don't you and your family and friends go make a trip down to the store and stock up on some CARBOHYDRATES~


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